Key Points / FAQ
What we do and what you can expect from us:
• We treat all clients, potential clients and mourners the same. We do not discriminate or make judgements based on race, culture, beliefs, sexual orientation or disability. We strive to establish a culture of fairness throughout the business that creates an understanding of the clients' needs, and provide appropriate products and services. If we feel we are dealing with a vulnerable client, we will establish if any family or friends would be able to assist when dealing with us. Any vulnerabilities will be noted and taken into consideration with consent.
• At all times we aim for our services and representations to be first class, informed and fair.
• We reserve the right to turn away or withdraw services to a client if we feel intimidated, threatened or if we have assessed there is a clear financial issue where we feel we will be unable receive payment in full.
• We assess the needs of potential clients or contracted clients on a case by case basis. At all times we will listen and established what type of funeral arrangements the client wants. However, if we feel that more suitable types of funeral are available due to financial circumstances, we will advise on this matter.
• We operate a 24 hour, 7 days a week phone line service; this can be used to inform us of a death and to request the transfer of a loved one into our care. This can also be used to ask us general questions or provide a quotation for funeral arrangements.
• If it is a death at home, at a care/nursing home or in a location other then a hospital, we will always aim to arrive at the address within one to three hours of receiving the call.
o If we are attending to another transfer of deceased when a new request comes in, we will carry out the transfers in call log order.
o At times we may not be able to keep to the one to three hours timeframe due to traffic or distance based on where the first transfer is located.
• If the death is in a hospital, in most cases, we are unable to transfer the deceased until the death is registered or paperwork has been issued. Once we have the relevant forms/clearance to transfer a deceased, we reserve the right to undertake the transfer within three working days.
• We will always make ourselves available to meet with clients in a timely manner; we do ask that all visits to our funeral homes are made in advance via an appointment. Although our funeral homes have opening hours, we do encourage people to make appointments prior to coming to our funeral home; this is to ensure we don’t have other appointments or families with us when you come in.
• During the funeral arrangement process, we will ask all the questions we require to put together funeral arrangements; a number of these questions are used for statutory matters and use by the cemetery/crematorium authority to fulfil their requirements on the day. Once we have asked all questions required, from the answers we will be able to issue you with a detailed estimate of costs which will be issued following the funeral arrangements. Choices made for the funeral arrangements by the client can be changed at a later date should you feel you made the wrong decision at the time of the arrangements; a new estimate of costs will then be issued as per any changes.
• We are unable to guarantee that a date and time a client may have in mind for a funeral is available. The service venue, crematorium and/or cemetery give us their availability which we must then pass on to you, and ensure we have staff and vehicles available at the time. At all times we will try our best to agree a mutual date and time for a funeral with all parties as soon as the client feels comfortable to.
• All funeral arrangements will be made to the order our client gives us; this will in turn be passed on to the funeral conductor on the day of the funeral.
o The funeral conductor is in charge on the day of the funeral, and will work with the client and their family as best as they can to ensure the funeral arrangements run as smoothly as possible on the day.
o The funeral conductor will make themselves aware to the client at the first opportunity on the funeral.
o The funeral conductor will wear a name badge and full uniform, along with a top hat.
o Unless not requested, the funeral conductor will page the hearse from the leaving address a few yards, and then into the service venue and/or place of committal.
o If there are any delays, problems or issues that may arise on the day of the funeral, the conductor reserves the right to inform you as best as they can to rectify any issues. At times these issues are out of our control; we will liaise with the parties who are in control and work to a satisfactory outcome and update the client throughout.
• If you request that a loved one is dressed in their own clothes, along with any personal items, we ask that they are brought to us in a timely fashion. We aim to prepare and dress a deceased within three working days of receiving the clothing. If a viewing of the deceased is requested, we will inform you once your loved one is ready and in the viewing room. This is by appointment only, unless a day block viewing is requested.
• At all times we will try our best to ensure that the appearance of a deceased is as best as it can be, however at times deterioration of a deceased can onset quicker than expected. This is down to a number of physiological reasons – time between point of death and when preparation takes place or if a coroner's investigation has taken place.
• At all times we will provide an estimate of costs which mirrors our website and financial guide price lists. This estimate will be given in good faith at the time of arrangements, along with our terms and conditions. If a client has opted to pay in full prior to the funeral, an invoice can be raised and any additional items ordered after payment will be put onto a sundry invoice. At all times a final receipt for payments will be issued after the funeral date. If there is a balance due on the main funeral account, the account will be raised and sent to the client within 7 to 10 days after the funeral date. We do offer guidance with the Department of Work and Pensions, Funeral Expenses Grant, however it is the client's responsibility to apply for the grant. The grant is not guaranteed, and this does not act as guarantee of funds, so the terms and conditions with pre-payment, and final payment still applies.
• Unless requested we will provide four bearers to carry and bear the coffin on the day of the funeral. We do not shoulder the coffin, we carry at the waist or use a wheeled trolly. If family bearers are requested, we will instruct them how to handle the coffin prior to the coffin being unloaded from the hearse.
• If order of service sheets are requested, we are only able to produce a first draft once we are in receipt of photos (if having) and the service layout from the officiant leading the service. This will be emailed to our client, or a physical draft copy given, prior to the funeral for final checking. We reserve the right to ask for the final sign off three working days prior to the funeral service date. If the order of service sheets are not signed off by our client within the timescale, we are unable to take any liability for mistakes or errors on the final print.
Updated May 2023